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30121 Cannaregio Venice Featured

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30121 Cannaregio  District in Venice.


Cannaregio in Venice is the largest district in Venice and northern cities.  

Its curious name comes from "Canal Regio" the waterway access to the city before the construction of the railway.  

In Cannaregio in Venice The main attraction of the neighborhood is the gothic church of the Madonna dell'Orto, the parish of Tintoretto. 

In 1254, right in the neighborhood of Venice, Cannaregio born Marco Polo, the famous merchant who with his father at the age of 18 years left Venice and uncle to travel the Eastern trade routes. 


Cannaregio  District in Venice 


Don't forget to visit the following monuments in Venice Cannaregio 

  • Fondamenta della Sensa  -  Madonna dell’Orto Venezia
  • Ghetto , Museo Ebraico – Ponte delle Guglie Venezia
  • Palazzo Labia  - Ponte delle Guglie Venezia
  • San Giobbe  - Campo San Giobbe Venezia
  • La chiesa degli Scalzi – Fondamenta Scalzi Venezia
  • Madonna dell’Orto – Campo Madonna dell’Orto Venezia
  • Ca d’Oro – Canal Grande , Calle Ca d’Oro Venezia
  • Chiesa San Giovanni Crisostomo  - Campo San Giovanni Crisostomo  Venezia


Where do you eat in Venice Cannaregio 


  • BARABABAO – Ristorante tipico Veneziano , specialità carne e pesce .
  • FISCHETTERIA TOSCANA – Ristorante rinomato a Venezia , Specialità pesce.
  • AI PROMESSI SPOSI – Ristorante tipico , specialità pesce . 




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