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Cookies and storage technologies

Cookies are small bits of text used to store information in the Web browser. Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones and other devices. Other technologies, including data stored in your Web browser or device identifiers associated with the device and other software, is used for similar purposes. In this legislation, all these technologies are called "cookies". 

We use cookies if you have a HelpVenice account, uses the Helpvenice Services, including the Web site (with or without recording or access), or visit other Web sites and applications that use the Facebook Helpvenice & Services (including the button "I like "or our advertising tools). This legislation illustrates our way cookies are used and the choices you'll have.


Why do we use cookies?

Cookies enable us to provide, protect and improve the Facebook Services, for example by customizing the content, showing ads tailored and providing more secure experience. While cookies we use may change from time to time following the improvement and updating of the Facebook Services, categories of use as they fall are generally the following:


We use cookies to verify your account and determine when you are signed in order to simplify access to Helpvenice Services and provide the experience and suitable functions.

For example,  we use cookies to keep your access when you switch from one Helpvenice page. Cookies also enable us to remember your browser; in this way you will not have to log in to Helpvenice every time and you can easily access through applications and Third Party Web sites.

Security, integrity of the site and the product

We use cookies to protect your account, your data and Helpvenice Services.

For example,  cookies allow us to identify and implement additional safety measures when a person tries to access a Helpvenice account without authorization, for example, trying to quickly enter different passwords. We also use cookies to store information that allows us to recover your account if you forgot your password or to request more information about authentication if you communicate that your account is a victim of hackers.

We also use cookies to combat activities that do not respect our rules or otherwise affect our ability to provide the services Helpvenice.

For example,  cookies help us fight spam and phishing attacks, allowing us to identify the computer used to create a high number of false Helpvenice account. We use cookies to detect computers that are malware and take measure to prevent further damage. Cookies also enable us to prevent minors Helpvenice create an account.

Advertising, Insights and measurement data

We use cookies to show ads of companies and other organizations to persons who may be interested in their products, services or the proceedings started.

For example,  cookies allow us to show ads to people who previously visited the Web site of a company, its products purchased or used its applications. Cookies also allow us to limit the number of views of an ad; in this way, you do not always see the same ad.

We also use cookies to measure the performance of the advertising campaigns of companies that use the Helpvenice Services .

For example,  we use cookies to count the number of hits on an ad and calculate the cost of such advertisements. We use cookies to measure the frequency of some actions, such as clicks or views of the adverts.

Cookies allow us to show and measure ads in different browsers and devices used by the same person .

For example,  we may use cookies to keep you always see the same ad in different devices you use.

Cookies also allow us to provide Insights data on people who use Facebook services, the people who interact with the ads, Web sites and applications of our advertisers and the companies who use Helpvenice Services.

For example,  we use cookies to enable companies to understand what types of people have put "like" their page Helpvenice or use their applications so that they can provide more relevant content and develop interesting functions for their clients.

We also use cookies to allow you to disable the display of Helpvenice ads based on your activities on third-party websites. 


We use cookies to provide relevant content based on your language.

For example,  we store the information in a cookie placed in your browser or device so you can view the site in your preferred language.


We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

For example,  cookies help us route traffic between servers and to verify the loading speed of the Facebook services for different people. Cookies also allow us to adjust the aspect ratio and size of the screen and the window and see if you have enabled high-contrast mode; in this way we can properly display the sites and applications.

analytical and research tools

We use cookies to better understand how to use Facebook services by persons in order to improve them .

For example,  cookies allow us to understand how people use the Helpvenice Services, to analyze which parts of the Facebook services are more useful and engaging and identify functions that can be improved.


Where do we use cookies?

We place cookies on your computer or device, and receive the information stored in the same in case of use or access to the following services: 

  • Helpvenice services
  • Services provided by other members of the group of companies Helpvenice.
  • Services provided by other companies that use the Helpvenice Services (eg companies that incorporate the "Book Now" button or Facebook advertising services on their website and in their applications)

We can also set up and receive the information stored in cookies from other domains used by the group of companies Facebook, including domains, and



There are other parties that use cookies in connection with Helpvenice Services?

Yes, other parties may use cookies on Facebook Services to provide services to us and to the companies that advertise on Helpvenice. 

For example, our partners dedicated to measuring use cookies on Helpvenice services to enable advertisers to understand the effectiveness of advertising campaigns Helpvenice and compare the performance of these campaigns and the ads displayed on other Web sites and applications. 


Data Holder's Helpvenice

Name: Ivan Surname: Gianni

Resident Calle del Montello No 1-30132 S. Elena - Venice

Tax code: GNNVNI74M04L736j 



Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.